Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Frosty Parking

I guess this is just so i remember i have much work to do over the winter, and much to save for ...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The Pie of the Show!

The Annual Whip Restaurant and Gallery's Show n Shine was the largest to date, with over 500 viewers or music, metal and polish. My first show was a great way to be introduced into the car culture and the local fun to be had in the East Vancouver district of Mount Pleasant. With over 30 vehicles, Motor Bikes and even Bicycles, The Whip has really taking a fast lane to what can be cleanly stated as the best local, if not the only dynamic show n shine in the Vancouver region. Not without it's dents and scratches of it's own as the previous years were shrouded in rain and poor weather with a few die hard fans and participants making the brave cut to stage and pavement. If there was ever a good reason to spend so much of ones time and money into a passion so grand as restoration or vintage culture, the Whip makes sure to remind us, every year, rain or shine:)

Thursday, May 26, 2011

First Car Show!

So This Sunday, the last weekend of May 2011, Mr.Frosty will be in his very first Show n Shine. True, he has a long way to go before the lights of camera flashes will glorify his bold lines, the polished chrome and the trophies piling up at my door step, but, you gotta start somewhere;)

Having a parking lot, not a hell of a lot of money and time, makes for a very slow process to restore a vintage car, not even considering the fact the parts are almost completely not available this side of Manitoba, as any old steel is easy to work on closer to Detroit.

so, for any of you who are needing to see a slower change of pace this weekend, and be it motorcycles with sidecars, choppers with forks so long you could trip over them or four wheels of pure joy lines, then make your way to the Whip Gallery and Pub, the food is amazing, the beers and drinks are always great and the people, are the true reasons i have been going for well over four years now!
Sunday, May 29 · 11:00am - 5:30pm

The Whip Gallery Restaurant
209 East 6th Ave.
Vancouver, BC
Show n Shine showcasing local vintage, chopped n restored vehicles
Boasting BBQ, BANDS, BABES, BOOZE (inside The Whip :P )

Viewers choice awards complete with custom trophies by TURBO.inc

ATTN vehicle owners - min donation to park/ compete
>>>>>>$5 two wheels / $10 four wheels - $$$'s donated to REd Cross - EAST VAN 4 JAPAN <<<<<<<

Please email
Rose@TheWhipRestaurant.com for more information

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Frosty Wagon on the first day of 2011!

First day of the new year, and after a visit home with Family and seeing my nephews Model Car collection and my Uncles Building of my Aunts 41 Hudson, well, i am freshly inspired to work on my Wagon once again as our fairly light yet damn and crispy winters come forth. Currently have my seats and the back bench seat in my apartment, along with the Grill to get access to the headlight assembly. Seems previous owner of one generation thought welding the housing would be a good idea? Fun fun fun.